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Dr. Simpson is very knowledgeable in anti-aging and is skilled at many aspects of staying healthy.
I was introduced to Dr Simpson by a trusted friend. The moment I met him I knew he was amazing. He specialises in 'age management', which kinda sounds wooly but it is based on a thorough scientific analysis of your body. They basically scan your body, blood and everything else imaginable to give you a real-time analysis of the state of your body. Dr Graham is then able to assess your biological age and provide a program that helps you to address any problems (such as hormonal imbalances - apparently 50% of men over 40 have below normal levels of testosterone - something that leads to low sex drive, low energy, low life-drive and most dangerously the accumulation of fat).
What I like about Dr Graham is his honesty about what causes most of the things that age us and kill us. He believes that diet is 90% of the problem and I tend to agree. He is a total expert when it comes to the rubbish we eat - processed foods, junk food, chemicals - all the stuff that causes inflammation, disease, premature ageing. Since seeing him - and being shocked at my body fat analysis; I have gone on to a paleo diet - I now eat only things that a cave man would have eaten. Nothing man made. It's awesome.
I have lost 3.5kg in my first week, leaned up and my energy levels are already better. I have eaten more green vegetables (I juice them actually) in the past three weeks than I did in the past three months, maybe longer. I eat absolutely nothing made by man and it feels great. So, for me as a man approaching middle-age and who wants to be as fit and healthy as possible, to stay young and have a healthy sex drive, a healthy energy and outlook - this is a manna from heaven.
If you are a patient, you can reach Dr Graham Simpson through the following practice.
Are you a healthcare practitioner? Contact Dr Graham Simpson here.