Dr Sofie has been my homeopath for over 17 years and has been my children's doctor since I first took my son to see her 15 years ago.
He was at his nursery school and I got a call from the nurse to say he had tonsillitis and a double ear infection. I picked him up and took him straight to the clinic near the school. The doctor confirmed the diagnosis and proceeded to prescribe 5 different medicines for him.
When I left the clinic, I called Dr Sofie and told her the situation, that I wasn't happy with all those medicines. She told me to bring him in immediately. I did so and we came home with a simple homeopathic medicine. My son was completely better within 12 hours. From that moment on Dr Sofie has been our GP.
When my son caught scarlet fever, he was treated homeopathically and was better much before the other children taking antibiotics. The school were not happy that he hadn't had antibiotics and asked for a throat swab before readmitting him to school. The swab was clear. Meanwhile, another child was beginning her second course of antibiotics.
When my daughter was diagnosed with multiple food allergies at 7 months old, Dr Sofie treated her with a remedy to strengthen her lungs. She has never developed asthma, which is almost always associated with multiple food allergies.
Over the years we have seen Dr Sofie for many aliments, some physical, some emotional. My daughter developed a fear of sharks (after seeing some You Tube videos!) which prevented her from going in the sea at all. When we planned to visit the Maldives last month, I took her to see Dr Sofie who treated her for anxiety. When we were in the Maldives, my daughter went diving, saw a reef shark and was fascinated rather than terrified.
I cannot recommend Dr Sofie highly enough. She is amazing.